Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I've been off work this week, due to a health issue. The unfortunate part is that it prevents me from doing any woodworking, or it would be a good week.

So I've been spending the time doing some work and updating my web areas. Something I never seem to have time for these day.

You can imagine my amusement when I read my horrorscope today:

Aquarius: The idea of a website takes hold and you are spending long hours designing and preparing the site in order to get it on the web as soon as possible. Your idea is a sound one.

Mystery.... Steel Soled Wooden Razee Jointers

I recently had the pleasure during a day off, of being able to head down to a small town in the area that has an "antique walk" - a collection of small antique stores scattered throughout its streets. Like the usual antique "mauls", condition and pricing don't seem to have much to do with each other. But amongst the overpriced, completely rusted metal planes, and wooden planes with blown cheeks and cracked soles I discovered a couple of gems.

For the same price that most wanted for their junktiques, I found a pair of wooden jointers (a 20" and a 24") in beautiful condition. Razor sharp irons

I couldn't pass them up. They came home with me. Price tag: $60 each.

However, the planes themselves, have no makers mark. No users mark. They are a mystery to me that I would like to find additional information on. From the type of wood, to the possible maker. Construction of the two planes is almost identical. The only difference I've been able to find is on the back of the wedge - the relief hole for the chip breaker screw is not identical. I am not sure if this identifies it as a user made plane, or if it is a user modification.

The only identifying marks I have been able to find are:
  • Both Chip Breakers: + Robt Sorby Sheffield
  • One iron: Auburn Tool Co., Thistle Brand, Auburn N.Y.
  • One iron: Spear & Jackson, Warranted, Cast Steel

Additional photos:

If anyone can provide any information on these planes, it would be greatly appreciated.